Coford Research Information


All Ireland Roundwood Production Forecast 2021-2040    COFORD All Ireland Roundwood Production Forecast 2021-2040 (2021)




LandAvailability   Report by COFORD Land Availability Working Group: Land Availability for Afforestation - Exploring opportunities for expanding Ireland’s forest resource (2016)




Mobilising Ireland's Forest Resource - Meeting the Challenges   Report by COFORD Wood Mobilisation & Production Forecasting Group: Mobilising Ireland's Forest Resource - Meeting the Challenges (2018)




Wood Supply and Demand on the Island of Ireland to 2025   Report by COFORD Wood Mobilisation & Production Forecasting Group: Wood Supply and Demand on the Island of Ireland to 2025 (2018)




COFORD - Forestry 2030 Papers (Revised June 2014)

COFORD Connects Research Notes-

Growing Broadleaves - Silvicultural Guidelines for Ash, Sycamore, Wild Cherry, Beech and Oak in Ireland (P.M. Joyce; J. Huss; R. McCarthy; A. Pfeifer; E. Hendrick, COFORD, 1998)

Irish Timber Growers Association - Information services for private growers

Irish Timber Growers Association -

Forestry & Timber Yearbook -

National Forest Inventory

The purpose of the National Forest Inventory (NFI) is to record and assess the extent and nature of Ireland’s forests, both public and private, in a timely, accurate and reproducible manner. Reliable, current and consistent information is required to inform domestic forest policy, to support forest research and fulfil national and international reporting commitments.

For more information, see National Forest Inventory, DAFM

The Fourth Cycle (2022) results were published in Sprin 2023. See NFI Main Findings 2022

Miscellaneous forestry information links and annual reports

Land Market Review and Outlook 2016 LandMarketReview2016- Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland / Teagasc




UN Economic Commission for Europe - UNECE Timber Committee Market Statement for Ireland 2019

UN Economic Commission for Europe - UNECE Timber Committee Market Statement for Ireland 2018

UN Economic Commission for Europe - Forestry & Timber Section: Data and Statistics

Windblow Taskforce (March 2014) - Guidance for Forest Owners with Windblow

Forest Industries Ireland (FII) -

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