Mackinnon Report
Review of Approval Processes for Afforestation in Ireland (November 2019)
Coillte -
Forest Service, DAFM
Forest Service -
Agroforestry Guidelines (FT8) - Agroforestry Forum
Forest Service - Forest Management Tools
Felling and Reforestation Policy (DAFM, May 2017) - Avaialable for Download in the Tree Felling Licences Section
Interim Standard for Felling & Reforestation (DAFM, 2019)
Environmental Requirements for Afforestation (DAFM, December 2016)
DAFM Suite of Environmental Guidelines (DAFM, 2000) - Now available on the GOV.IE website
Publications, now available for downloading from the GOV.IE website include:
- Forest Biodiversity Guidelines
- Forest Protection Guidelines
- Forestry and Kerry Slug Guidelines
- Forestry and Otter Guidelines
- Forests and Water
- Forestry and the Landscape Guidelines
- Forest Recreation in Ireland - A Guide for Forest Owners and Managers
- Native Woodland Establishment GPC9 and GPC10
- Woodland for Water
- Aerial Fertilisation Requirements (June 2015)
- Forestry and Water Quality Guidelines
- Forestry and Archaeology Guidelines
- Forest Harvesting and Environmental Guidelines
- Forestry and Freshwater Pearl Mussel Requirements, (DAFM, 2008)
- Land Types for Afforestation
- Environmental Requirements for Afforestation
- DRAFT Plan for Forests & Freshwater Pearl Mussel in Ireland
Links to DAFM Environmental Guidelines, including the above, on the New GOV.IE website
Reconstitution and Underplanting Scheme (Ash Dieback) (DAFM, 2020)
See also
Current Forestry Grant Schemes - Forestry Grant Schemes
- Afforestation Grant and Premium Scheme 2014-2020
Information on Change of Ownership for Grant aided plantations -
National Forest Inventory
The purpose of the National Forest Inventory (NFI) is to record and assess the extent and nature of Ireland’s forests, both public and private, in a timely, accurate and reproducible manner. Reliable, current and consistent information is required to inform domestic forest policy, to support forest research and fulfil national and international reporting commitments.
For more information, see National Forest Inventory, DAFM
Pesticides Regulation and Control Division, DAFM
Pesticides Regulation and Control Division -
- Guidance Notes on Integrated Pest Management For Use On Irish Farms (PDF)
- National Action Plan for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides
Plant Health
Teagasc Forestry Development Unit -
- Overview of forestry grant rates
Forest Sector Statistics
Annual Forest Sector Statistics
An annual report has been published on the web that brings together previously published and new statistics on the forest sector in a single publication. The plan is to update the document annually to reflect changes in the forest sector, such as new afforestation.
Ireland's Forests - Annual Statistics - Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and also see Forest Statistics and Mapping
See also our Miscellaneous Industry Statistics page.
Forestry Act 2014 -
Forestry & the Law (DAFM) - Forest Service, DAFM
Legal requirements for forestry - Teagasc
Health and Safety Authority (HSA)
Health and Safety Authority -
Health and Safety Authority - Irish Forestry Safety Guides (IFSG) A suite of Safety Guides modified for Irish use by kind permission of FISA, including:
- IFSG 301 - Using Petrol Driven Chainsaws
- IFSG 302 - Basic Chainsaw Fellling and Manual Takedown
- IFSG 303 - Chainsaw Snedding
- IFSG 304 - Chainsaw Cross Cutting and Manual Stacking
- IFSG 306 - Chainsaw Clearance and Windblow
- IFSG 307 - Chainsaw Felling of Large Trees
- IFSG 503 - Extraction by Forwarder
- IFSG 603 - Mechanical Harvesting
- IFSG 804 - Electricity at Work: Forestry
- IFSG FC1 - Health & Safety Guidance for Forestry Work Manager in Selecting & Monitoring Contractors
Health and Safety Authority - Health & Safety Forestry Information Sheet
Health and Safety Authority - Safe Load Securing of Round Timber Information Sheet
See also Safe Load Securing of Round Timber Poster (Forest Industry Transport Group)
Timber Transport Good Practice Guides
Forest Industry Transport Group - Round Timber Transport - Guidelines for Hauliers and Drivers (July 2017)
Forest Industry Transport Group - Road Haulage Code of Practice (2017)
Forest Industry Transport Group - Safe Load Securing of Round Timber Poster
Timber Transport Forum - Loading Timber From Roadside - Good Practice 2016
Forest Industries Ireland (FII - formerly IFFPA)
Forest Industries Ireland (FII) -