PEFC Ireland

Irish Forest Certification Standard (3rd Edition)

60-Day Public Consultation Period on the revised IFCS is now closed.



A revision draft of the PEFC Irish Forest Certification Standard (third edition) is now out for public consultation.

An online template of the draft is available to view, download and comment on and can be downloaded HERE
(The IFCS Revision Consultation Template is a Word file with Green Shaded Comment Boxes for Stakeholder Comments.
Please only use the Green Shaded boxes for your comments i.e. do not make annotations in the draft documentation.) 

Closing date for Stakeholder Submissions is: 29th August 2021 

Please submit all completed Consultation Templates prior to the closing date to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please note it will not be possible to include any comments received after the closing date for consideration by the standard revision Working Group. 

For reference, the current 2014 Edition of the IFCS can be accessed HERE


If any stakeholder has a query regarding either the standard revision or public consultation processes please contact PEFC Ireland.

PEFC Ireland  will endeavour to answer queries as quickly as possible. For more information see or contact:

William Merivale
National Secretary, PEFC Ireland
1A Westlink Business Park, Kilnap, Old Mallow Road, Cork T23 HX51
Tel: +353 (0)21 4399660   Mobile: +353 (0)87 2450241

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