• Why Forests? Why Woods? - The Case for Multipurpose Forestry in an Uncertain Climate - by Donal Magner
    Why Forests? Why Wood? explores the fundamental values that constitute sustainable forestry and what that means to society. Donal Magner provides a comprehensive study of one of our greatest renewable resources and how it is the key to sustainable living in uncertain times.
    The book costs €24.95 (plus postage and packing)
    (Available for purchase from The Lilliput Press)

     Why Forest? Why Woods?

  • Island of Woods: How Ireland Lost its Forests and How to Get them Back - by Paul McMahon
    This comprehensive and engaging overview of the history of Irish forestry relates historical events to present-day concerns and controversies, drawing out general themes that echo throughout the centuries. It will appeal to anyone who cares about the Irish landscape and environment.
    The book costs €19.95 (plus postage and packing)
    (Available for purchase from https://www.newisland.ie/nonfiction/island-of-woods-how-ireland-lost-its-forests-and-how-to-get-them-back)

     Island of Woods

  • Wood as a Fuel - by Pieter D. Kofman and Eugene Hendrick
    All aspects of woodfuels are covered in five separately bound volumes, ranging from wood properties, standards, woodfuel types and sustainable use.
    The book costs €49.50 (including nationwide postage and packing)
    (Available for purchase from https://arrowmanagement.ie/product/wood-as-a-fuel/)

     Wood as a Fuel Volumes I to V

    Wood as a Fuel Volumes I to V

  • Living With Trees - by Robin Walter for Common Ground
    Foreword by Dame Judi Dench
    Introduction by Richard Mabey
    Living with Trees is a powerful call for more trees in our lives. Drawing on the many ways that people around the UK are redefining their relationship with trees and woods in the twenty-first century – in healthcare, education, ecology, art, architecture, agroforestry, conservation – it demonstrates how caring for trees and woods enhances local biodiversity, community cohesion and well-being.
    Trees and woods offer great potential for rebuilding our wider relationship with nature, reinforcing local identity and sustaining wildlife. We need more trees and woods in our lives, to lock up carbon, to mitigate flooding, to help shade our towns and cities and bring shelter, wildlife and beauty to places.
    Living with Trees is a cornucopia of practical information, good examples and new ideas that will inspire, guide and encourage people to reconnect with the trees and woods in their community, so we can all discover how to value, celebrate and protect our arboreal neighbours.
    The book costs £25 (plus postage and packing)
    (Available for purchase from https://www.littletoller.co.uk/shop/books/little-toller/living-with-trees-by-robin-walter/)

     Living with Trees

  • Wood as a Fuel - by Pieter D. Kofman and Eugene Hendrick
    All aspects of woodfuels are covered in five separately bound volumes, ranging from wood properties, standards, woodfuel types and sustainable use.
    The book costs €49.50 (including nationwide postage and packing)
    (Available for purchase from https://arrowmanagement.ie/product/wood-as-a-fuel/)

     Wood as a Fuel Volumes I to V

    Wood as a Fuel Volumes I to V

  • Stopping by Woods: a Guide to the Forests and Woodlands of Ireland - by Donal Magner

    This publication is currently OUT OF STOCK

     Stopping by Woods

  • Oak: fine timber in 100 years - by Jean Lemaire's Le Chene Autrement, translated from French by Bede Howell
    (Available from Treesource  www.treesource.co.uk)

  • The Woods of Ireland: A history, 700–1800 - by Nigel Everett
    (Available from Four Courts Press  www.fourcourtspress.ie)

  • Books on Squirrel Management
    (Available from European Squirrel Initiative  www.europeansquirrelinitiative.org)

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