FORESTRY.IE have a limited number of copies available of the book 'Why Forests? Why Wood? The Case for Multipurpose Forestry in an Uncertain Climate ' by Donal Magner
Donal Magner's follow up to the critically acclaimed Stopping by Woods illustrates the importance of the forest ecosystem and its environmental, economic and social benefits in his latest book Why Forests? Why Wood? Editor of the ITGA Forestry & Timber Yearbook goes beyond the forest to demonstrate how wood from sustainably managed forests displaces fossil-based materials in construction, energy and other products thus helping to avert the climate crisis.
[We thank all those who have purchased copies of Why Forests? Why Wood?
Hardbacks are now sold out, but softbacks are still available.
You can avail of a Special Offer Rate of €24.00 per book for a limited time.]
Price:€24.00 (including P&P)
[€Normal price €31.50 (€25.00 plus €6.50 P&P)]
(Softback; Size: 288 pages, Published 2024)
The 2025 Edition of Forestry & Timber Yearbook is NOW available for order.
The 2025 Edition of this annual Irish Timber Growers Association publication contains articles on a range of forestry subjects, timber price data, forest industry statistics and a comprehensive directory of forestry services. It is regarded as the definitive directory and reference yearbook for the Irish forest industry.
This is the 36th Edition of this annual publication.
Cost:€15.00 (including P&P)
(Size: 208 pages)
PLEASE NOTE: Members of the Irish Timber Growers Association (ITGA) will receive their complimentary copy by post as part of their annual Membership.